North West marketing agency Bring Digital specialise in helping their clients achieve a wider influence. However, they were keen to broadcast their own message, and eager to explore the power of video content for their brand. HSQ productions, as it turned out, were a natural fit for making this happen…
Our founder, Adam Smith, gives us an insight into his first shoot with Bring Digital, and how it advanced their commercial identity.
How did the project with Bring Digital come about?
We met on Freshwalks – a netwalking group that brings business leaders together on an outdoor hike. Aside from marvelling at the scenery, I was explaining the ‘done-in-a-day’ concept to Bring Digital’s Head's of Marketing & Business Development.
I gave them a number of ideas for what is possible in a 24-hour timeframe, and sent over the work for Wivenhoe Park Nursery and a few Ask Me Anything interviews following the walk. That led to a meeting, where I showed stats for a recent AMA campaign that gained over 22,000 impressions on Twitter.
Bring Digital were impressed by the concept, and we began discussing how we could approach their own interviews; specifically, how we could chop them up for social sharing, as Twitter bites. This would introduce an audience to the Bring Digital team – their methods, experience and marketing philosophy. In a few days, HSQ had the sign-off, and we booked a shoot for December.
Were there any challenges to overcome?
Yes: as the majority of people were being interviewed for the first time, they didn’t feel comfortable on camera going into the process. It takes some getting used to…
However, I sent over some guidelines to help them prepare and, when we visited the Bring Digital offices, conducted some dry runs. This gave everyone a chance to practice their answers, and allowed me to coach participants on their voice, posture, and how fast they were talking. It took a little while but eventually everyone loosened up!
Okay then – tell me about the shoot itself…
In total we interviewed four people, the footage of which was split into over 44 videos for social platforms and the Bring Digital website. A suitable space was set aside for filming, meaning we didn’t have trouble finding somewhere for the recording to begin.
Some questions were left as they were; others became more expansive as we teased out further details. We had some very honest conversations about the quality of the clips and how participants came across, to ensure that the final footage was just right.
Managing Director David Ingram, in particular, gave a star performance – he came across really well on-screen, and gave us some great insights into his expertise. He also maintained an interest in what we were doing to ensure the final clips had his approval.
At the end of the day we reviewed the footage collectively before saying our goodbyes and heading off to the editing suite. My parting view was the smiling faces of the Head of Marketing and MD; I love seeing our clients’ excitement as they get a glimpse of the end result!
How did the videos pan out?
Incredibly well, in fact. The edits went on for several days as we fine-tuned the video content. Since Bring Digital were already proactive in their marketing plan, they took some of the pressure off, as the schedule was set for future posts and didn’t require an immediate collection of uploads.
The agency now has a good spread of short, one-minute clips on their Twitter feed, as well as content ready for blogging and their website. These are sharp, valuable snapshots into what Bring Digital do and achievements in the online marketing sector.
Are there any future plans with Bring Digital?
HSQ are looking ahead to other dates in the production calendar – 2018 is going to bring the two of our agencies closer together, in a variety of ways we can’t wait to talk about…
As a last point, do you have any tips for agencies investing in their own video marketing?
Yes I do: most of them are in HSQ Production’s free-to-download video production guide. But for a quick answer, I’d say that setting things up in advance will save time, energy and the risk of a misstep. The filming process should be honed right up until the point of publishing.
Do your interviewees have answers on their lips? Are the questions interesting and varied? Get everyone’s consent before you hit the ‘record’ button. Then we’re all working from the same page, and there are fewer surprises.