At HSQ Productions, we love fast turnaround projects. They keep us motivated, inspired and on our toes. Plenty of our clients test the waters with our video production skills in a one-off assignment, but ad hoc videos can soon add up.
Serious about a long-term investment in video? If this is the case, we always point to a retainer agreement: a tailored, monthly package that gives you all the content you want, whenever an idea comes to mind.
Retainers benefit both sides – the client and the person behind the camera. Here’s why…
You skip the queue
If we’re working with clients on a retained basis, we know to set aside time in our schedule for their video plans. It means you don’t have to wait in line when you do come up with a brief for content, because you’re already in the diary.
As soon as we put a retainer in place, HSQ can begin to plan ahead. We’ll look to our schedule in the year and manage scripting, shooting and editing in-line with your own timescales. Then we can talk in greater depth about what you want, moving from early discussions to a full-on campaign design.
You know what you’re getting
What’s better – playing ad hoc with promotional media, or knowing exactly what you’re getting, on what date, with manageable costs broken down over the year instead of being paid upfront?
We believe the latter is a much finer way of organising a video content budget. It means you can tie the results in with the rest of your strategy, choosing the right platform, audience, and supplementary campaign material.
You have a more holistic approach
Forward-thinking will make your brand message stronger, since no videos will be filmed off-the-hoof, without giving thought to the bigger picture. We’ll get to know your brand and suggest how multiple videos could build on your core themes and support one another.
By mapping out a series of content, you’ll have a pin-sharp impression of what the eventual videos will look like, and how they can be matched to the wider body of the business/organisation.
You benefit from a discount…
Typically, a retainer will knock a small percentage of the pricing down when several projects are brought under the same package. Compared to paying for each service individually, clients stand to benefit from a reduced rate. It’s another ‘thank you’ for paying the retainer fee in the first place.
Let’s suppose your video provider does a sterling job, repeatedly, and you go back to them for subsequent years. How much will you save on a retained basis? Potentially hundreds. Retainers are kinder to your bank account, as well as to the final product.
It makes a lot of sense to partner with a video production company on a long-term basis. Retainers are a brilliant way to save and structure your budget – call Adam and the HSQ team today for a chat about your next video project, or see our portfolio to discover what we do.